Hiking in the Santa Fe National Forest

ROAD TRIP! Off we went with Jerry for a hike in the Santa Fe National Forest. Located halfway up the road to the ski basin is a great hiking trail. Borrego Trail is the perfect walk in the woods. I’ve never seen Jerry happier. Other happy dogs along the way offered testimony to the lovely scenery. At times, an awesome quietness surrounded you and at other times nature spoke. There is something about walking in the woods that realigns your psyche. Once we descended the mountain, we were greeted by a refreshing stream – a perfect location for a picnic. Next time. We watered Jerry and headed back. The trail makes a triangle. However, we missed a turn and continued up a different path that would have taken us wildly off course. Luckily, three mountain cyclists stopped and reoriented us. Thank God for them. Another watering for Jerry at the stream and we headed toward the car. This was a great outing and I look forward to sharing it with family and friends. Doug, bring your hiking boots.




  1. I’ve got another hike for you all & Jerry! Hey, I am off this Mon., the 10th! Are you free? I’ll drive and Jerry can certainly go!!! 😍🐺😍

    Sent from my iPhone


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